The Good Son

The Good Son

Eyal Fried

6 December 201212 January 2013
  • Roma's Wall, 2005-2006, Archival pigment print

  • Love Poem, 2005-2006, Archival pigment print

  • Ring of Fire, 2005-2006, Archival pigment print

  • Avi, 2005-2006, Archival pigment print

  • Stefani & Shakira, 2005-2006, Archival pigment print

This series was photographed by Eyal Fried in 2005. A chance encounter with Avi(the younger son) led to a visit in the family chicken coop. This encounter led tofurther visits which grew frequent and continued for a period of some six monthsDuring this time, the members of the household allowed Fried to enter their homeobserve and peer at their vibrant routine with all its complexity, share little momentsof happiness and joy, pain, sorrow and longing. During that time, the Other becamefamiliar, and the fantastic became quotidianThe Good Son exhibition is about tradition and commemoration – about bloodrelations. It refers to a state of affairs in which the good was substituted by thesuccessful, and value was replaced by judgment.